You are helping your child decide his or her future. These decisions are tough. We understand, and we are here to help.
十大外围app为学生提供了建立在个人关注基础上的良好教育, practical experience and committed, highly-qualified faculty and staff. We prepare our students for future success. And, we do it at a very affordable price.
在MCCC,我们的使命是提供以学生为中心,负担得起和高质量的高等教育. We take that mission very seriously. 在与学生和社区的每一次互动中,我们都在努力生活.
- Cost – at $124.54 per credit hour for in-district students, MCCC是门罗县居民迄今为止成本最低的高等教育选择. And with the Trustee Merit Scholarship在美国,拥有合格SAT或ACT成绩的学区内学生的学费甚至可以进一步降低.
- MCCC has pre-approved transfer options with 20 university partners – and many more through the Michigan Transfer Agreement ——这样你的孩子就能以通常四年制学费的三分之一获得学士学位, public university. 锡耶纳高地大学(Siena Heights University)和春树大学(Spring Arbor University)这两所大学都位于MCCC的校园内. SHU允许一些项目的学生通过MCCC的课程完成三年的学士学位课程,学费很低.
- MCCC has a wide variety of 副学士(两年)和证书(一年或更少)证书课程 in areas like nursing, business, computer information systems, engineering technology, early childhood education, criminal justice and more.
- The faculty to student ratio at MCCC is 9 to 1. 这种低比例使得我们的教师能够给予学生应有的个人关注——MCCC没有大型讲座课程. 这对MCCC的学生来说是一个巨大的优势, public universities, 入门课程通常在能容纳数百名学生的教室里教授. At MCCC, introductory courses like Sociology, Biology and History are typically taught to 15, 20 or 30 students at a time, not 100 or more.
- High-quality instruction. 我们的全职教师都是受人尊敬的,在他们的领域知识渊博. 近95%的教师拥有硕士或更高学位, and more than one-fourth have doctoral degrees.
- At MCCC, our faculty’s true passion is to teach. 当他们的课程由研究生授课时,他们不进行研究, as can often be the case at big universities. MCCC faculty members are accessible and very responsive to student needs; they offer personal instruction in small classroom settings.
- MCCC致力于为学生提供最先进的设施. 校园内一些设施的新建设和重大升级已经完成,一些项目正在进行或计划中. In 2017, a $16.在全校范围内安装了300万套地热供热、制冷和空调系统. In 2018, a $1.对生命科学大楼进行了2500万美元的翻新, 包括专门为学生合作设计的大型附加部分. In 2021, 耗资900万美元的翻新工程完成了,将东西方科技大楼合并为一个单一的设施,包括一个容纳学生服务的学生成功中心, collaboration spaces, classrooms and labs. In 2022, 坎贝尔学习资源中心经过全面翻新和扩建,并更名为坎贝尔学术中心.
If cost is a concern, MCCC is a great choice. 对于区内学生来说,MCCC的学费是公立大学的三分之一,是非常实惠的. The MCCC Trustee Merit Scholarship Program 基于ACT和SAT分数,可以支付门罗县居民近一半的学费. 每年还有数百个额外的奖学金. Last year, more than half of MCCC students received financial aid, and the college awarded $500,000 in scholarships. MCCC also offers a tuition payment plan 这样你就可以分期支付孩子的学杂费.
Through their community involvement MCCC的学生在校园和社区中发挥着重要作用. MCCC的学生通过 Student Government and about 25 other official student clubs and organizations. 此外,还有许多其他引人入胜和丰富的方面 campus life at MCCC, such as the MCCC Art Collection, symphony band, choir, Culture and Current Affairs Speakers Series, dance, La-Z-Boy中心/Meyer剧院的娱乐/活动, a fitness center, literary magazine, student newspaper, Honors program, Phi Theta Kappa荣誉协会和海外留学项目.
Contact the Cashier’s Office at (734) 384-4231, or visit the office at 1555 S. Raisinville Road Monroe, MI 48161-9746. 我们接受现金、支票或信用卡(Visa、MasterCard和Discover)。. 支票抬头为十大外围app,并写上学生姓名, student ID number and phone number.
MCCC在招生和指导办公室的顾问会帮助即将入学的学生决定职业道路. 他们提供学术建议、职业咨询、测试和推荐给外部机构. 所有新生必须在第一次注册课程之前与招生办公室的辅导员见面.
Tutoring and learning assistance services are provided free to registered MCCC students. They can get help in a wide variety of subject areas. 从数学和科学到人文和社会科学, 这些服务是一个很好的资源,可以帮助那些希望提高他们在课堂上的表现的学生.
Absolutely not. The Michigan Transfer Agreement 保证30个学分可以转到密歇根州的其他学院和大学. MCCC also has pre-approved transfer agreements with 20 colleges and universities. 与四年制大学的学士学位完成协议通常被称为“2+2”和“3+1”协议. “2+2”协议允许学生将四年制学位的前两年从MCCC转到另一所大学. “3+1”协议允许将最多三年的MCCC学分转换为转学机构的四年制学位.